Dear burned-out business owner,

We love what we do, but we don’t love having to convince our clients to work with us. If we can help you, that's awesome. If not, that’s ok too.

So what do we do? We are a small 2 person team that helps owner-operators become true owners of their business. If you are stressed out regularly or even depressed at times because of your current workload, we can help.

We believe that every business owner needs an exit plan, whether that’s through an acquisition or simply exiting the day-to-day. Most businesses are not sellable. Would you buy your own business as an investment if you remove yourself from running it? The answer is likely no, but it doesn't have to be that way.


Do you have trouble finding good employees? Or have you ever hired someone, and then spent months of your time and thousands of dollars training them, and once they are finally useful, they put in their two-week notice?

It's beyond frustrating! We build systems and training for our clients that get their employees trained and up to speed in a matter of days instead of months. Not only is this a massive cost savings, but you will gain the confidence to let the wrong people go instead of keeping them around out of sheer desperation.


Almost every business owner we work with has been tempted at some point to quit and go work for Costco, simply because they are so burned out from having to fight fires every day and do all the work themselves. That isn't sustainable. It's also bad for business. The more valuable you are to your company, the less valuable your company is!

We spend the time to capture what's in your head and capture what you have done to make your business successful. No Zoom calls, no webinars. We physically come to you and your business and often spend over a week working side by side to do what needs to be done and get shiz done.

Our clients are often hopeful but also doubtful that they can actually step away from their business. We love more than anything to prove them wrong! Our clients are regaining their time and their lives, often cutting their personal workload anywhere from 50-100%. Our team will put in the work to help you become a true owner of your business and not just a glorified employee.


In the future, we plan to buy existing businesses from burned-out owners, fix them, and then sell or cash flow those businesses for years. Until then, we are focused on helping you do the same thing for your own business.

Some people think that when they retire, they will have to close their doors and shut down their business. That's not the case! We can set up your business to keep your doors open and customers happy for life. So whether you want to sell your business someday or keep it in the family as a cash cow, the choice will be yours.

If you are ready to get started, let us know. Our only rule: We do NOT work with anyone who does not 100% want to do this. While extremely rewarding, what we do for our clients is hard work and we would rather spend more time working and less time “convincing.” So if you have ANY questions at all such as pricing, how long the process takes, or anything else, please ask away and we will happily get you the answers. Also, If you have a business partner or spouse involved in your business, make sure they are involved in this process as well!

We look forward to helping you "exit" your business!


The Easy Exit Team

Cameron & Ian